The family..

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SouthEast, PA, United States
This Blog is all about me and my life as a mom of a beautiful 9 year old and my dear husband who entertains me as much as my girl does.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm a bit ashamed to admit, this is what our refrigerator rountinely looks's empty. Basically, I prefer to go grocery shopping only out of desperation. I have to say that I did take the time to clean the refrigerator and organize it before taking this picture. I not only wanted to hide the fact that there was a sour cream lid stuck in the back of the refrigerator under a drawer for almost a year, but it has been on my to do list for about the same amount of time. So it appears that this Project will not only keep me motivated to track our routine lives, it will force me to clean the refrigerator. Hmm, maybe this should be a Works for me Wednesday post too?
In case anyone is concerned that Sweetpea and hubby are wasting away to nothing, I did go shopping immediately after taking this picture. We now have food to sustain us a few more weeks until the refrigerator returns to the pictured state.

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